
The experience of crises, critical situations or high-stakes situations have led us to identify more systemic causes originating in organisational performance. As a result, change is today essential to ensure sustainable performance.

The transformation of companies has become a major issue of success, Lsquare Consulting is involved in a process of co-construction alongside its clients. Our goal is to achieve optimal performance that combines effectiveness, efficiency, consistency, and relevance.

Our experts in organisational performance provide you with advice and support in the following areas:

  • Operational model,
  • Organisational architecture,
  • Leadership & talent,
  • Change management.

Case study

Implementation strategy for a wind farm program

In the context of a 30-year wind farm development program, a contractor wished to study alternative strategies for development and associated internal organizations according to a set of specific criteria, including local content, environmental and social parameters.

We clarified our client’s objectives, both operational and financial.

  • We collected the client’s selection criteria and defined a hierarchy of evaluation criteria.
  • Based on the client’s preliminary studies, we specified options for growth strategies. We also identified alternative strategies.
  • We proposed a tailored governance and organizational architecture.
  • We produced a report that established a hierarchy of possible strategies according to the priority of our client’s criteria.
  • The “choice” strategies all dictated an alliance with a local partner whose issues we were able to identify in order to attract their support for a long-term cooperation scheme.