
Taoufik Lachheb

Taoufik is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and has experience in managing large international projects in the shipbuilding, nuclear and mining sectors.

For the past ten years, he has been regularly appointed as an expert for parties in the context of international arbitrations, particularly on the issues of quantifying the damage resulting from delays or losses of productivity. He thus assists project owners, prime contractors, and general contractors throughout the process of prevention and/or resolution of their disputes.

Taoufik is an accredited mediator by the Paris Mediation and Arbitration Centre and also acts as a moderator or facilitator in order to provide objective insight into the technical and non-technical issues that constitute the complexity of the construction dispute.


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Khalid is an engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique and regularly acts in international arbitration proceedings as a delay or quantum expert (i.e. financial loss).

He assists actors involved in complex projects in the prevention and management of risks and critical situations throughout the project life cycle (pre-project, execution, or operation). As a result, he can act as an advisor, auditor, negotiator, or adjudicator.

Khalid Lachheb